Microfinance made simple.

hassle-free accounting, Loan, Quick approval of loans & more. All at one place.
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Trusted by Great companies

  • envato
  • edl
  • odoo
  • upwork
  • nimhans
About us

Established in 2009 in india. Providing a promising service to our clients around the globe. Now we are in Laos to empower the businesses by providing reliable IT services and products.

Expertised in Banking & Finance

Delivered robust payment systems & huge data processing systems. By partering with various ERP software companies, delivered government compliant accounting systems.


We developed various tools to run a e-commerce companies. Web Applications, Mobile commerce apps, Back Office systems, Shopping Cart, Order Tracking and Inventory management.

Everything you need to run your microfinance.

But yes, we do customize as your needs fit with exactly for your financial institution.

loan management

Simplify your everyday's tedious jobs.

Auto reconiliation of everyday transaction will save handful of time and efforts. Likewise, every features are keenly designed exclusively for Lao Microfinance needs.


Auto Matching journal entries to facilitate the reconciliation.

No more headaches on reconciliation of daily transaction. Our oppionated record matching will simplify this drastically.

Easy Reporting

Reports can be generated instantly with unlimited filters.

It’s hard to determine the report template or types. There are chances to generate out of the box to take right business decisions.

Recurring Invoices

Smart recurring invoice generation will save your efforts.

Business like microfinances, there must be scenarios to generate recurring invoice to its customer and vendors.


Get started with Fincore today

Every finianical instituation having its own complexity. But we will be there to help you out. Just schedule a meeting with our experienced team to explore more about our products and services. ✨

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